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YOUR OUR Calling!


We are passionate about helping others tell their story. Every story is different and we cares about yours! 


Embracing Your Story Ministries loves a good story. That's why we have filmed over 100 testimonies and powerful stories about God's goodness, His faithfulness and His protection. We are called to create testimony videos and social media for people, ministries and local charities.  

So why do we do this?

Because the world around us is crumbling and people need hope. 

Join us as we meet people and hear their incredible stories of restoration, healing, and God's goodness! 

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Embracing Your Story Ministries is organized and operated for charitable purposes in accordance with Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. 

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Powerful TestimoniesThe World Needs To Hear


Dedicated to satan at 3-years old. But God....

Dedicated to satan at 3...then pursued and redeemed by Christ!

Pam's family abuse and exploitation are a tragic example of how wounded and destructive many families can be...and how Jesus is able to penetrate the pain and dysfunction and pull us out into His arms. In this video Pam opens up about her early life at the age of three years old and being dedicated to satan, as well as her years of childhood abuse and young adult turmoil...and thinking that it all was normal. Her remarkable story and redemption through Jesus has resulted in her fruitful efforts to be a "voice for the voiceless". Pam now heads up a charity for those who are struggling with abuse and trauma. This is her story...


"93-Minutes That Transformed My Life"

Taylor shares the incredible story of her daughter Elliott who had Anencephaly (a congenital condition in which a large part of the skull is absent) and how her short life of 93-minutes transformed her life. This is a powerful story of trust, grace, love, healing and beauty. What an honor it is to help Taylor share this amazing testimony with the world! To learn more about her outreach to other families facing similar circumstances, visit

Ben & Lonni

Ben died...Lonni cried...and death was defied!

An incredible true story of Ben and Lonni who were expecting a normal day 16-years ago, and little did they know that things would happen to change their lives forever that day. Ben was involved in a brutal motorcycle accident...right in front of his family. Lonni faced walking the intense 90-day journey alone, while Ben was hospitalized in the ICU in a coma. They called the family in...Ben passed away...and an hour later the physician burst in saying "We have a pulse!!". This is an amazing, true story of love, tragedy, faith, miracles... and a very, very BIG God!


"There is a way out!"

In complete transparency and vulnerability, Jared shares his journey as a young man being enticed into drugs and drug dealing. His journey took him into severe addiction, multiple incarcerations and even homelessness. Jared powerfully shares his journey of bondage and unworthiness to a life of freedom and restoration with a bold new "calling" to help those who are in the grips of addiction.

First Choice Clinic
Somerset, KY

We were honored to help First Choice Women's Clinic in Somerset, KY change the narrative of their pro-life marketing campaign. First Choice knows first hand that it can be overwhelming to think that you might be pregnant. They provide the information needed to empower women to make the best decision for them and their pregnancy. They offer free pregnancy testing and ultrasound services to verify pregnancy. Depending on the results, they provide many options. All of their services are free of charge and nonjudgemental.

Ken Jones

"Breaking Down Strongholds"

Ken jones is a man with many stories. Stories about his life and the faithfulness of God. Stories about others and the faithfulness of God. And deep insights and counsel about this "faithfulness of God" and what God can do in your life. "Breaking Down Strongholds" is a powerful firsthand experience of the incredible grace of God and His power to free all men...if only they would ask.

Ken Prevett

Joan of Arc - Run To You Stake!

Ken Prevett shares a captivating story about the life of Joan of Arc. It is a perfect example of why faith counts. Joan lived a life of faith from beginning to end—a span of 19 years. What she accomplished in her short life and the lessons of faith she left behind might surprise you. Joan of Arc is a true story of faith... destiny... and running to your stake!


Fires, Foster Care & Finding Jesus

Steve has a powerful testimony of a childhood of challenges, foster care, abuse and survival that led him to the arms of Jesus. His story is an incredible testimony of God's goodness and grace in the midst of the failures and disappointments of those we look to for care and community.

Bluegrass Veteran's Ranch

We are so honored to be helping Connect Community Village with the informational video and messaging of their proposed tiny home community initiative in Pulaski County, Kentucky. Their mission is to become a home for veterans who seek to develop faith-based transitional skills following complex trauma, substance abuse recovery, and reentry.

Connect Community Village will help in the development of life skills for their transitioning residents. They want to provide basic housing needs, education opportunities, and support, so that their residents can productively and successfully return to their families and communities with purpose, pride, and hope. Learn more at

Profiles In Healing 

Embracing Your Story Ministries is producing a documentary on healing. Keeping it mostly within the local community in Kentucky, our goal is to simply foster discussion about healing, while also encouraging others who are struggling in their own journeys. We will do this through the testimony of others.

We readily admit that God is mysterious and sovereign in how He deals with each and every individual person. Most will agree that "HE"...Who is the same yesterday, today and forever has never changed...and "HE" is still an all-sufficient help in the time of our trouble. And many will agree that "HE" is able to meet the needs of the body, the soul and the spirit in answer to those who pray in agreement with "HIS" will.


Profiles In Healing is scheduled to be completed in early 2024  

Ministry Project Spot Light

It was a privilege to work with Scott Collins and his grandson Elijah on this incredible project. The goal of this project is to encourage youth to read and learn the books of the Bible. Elijah is impressive in his memory and singing was a lot of fun to help them with this project. 

We will be editing a "Karaoke" version that kids in youth groups can sing with. Hopefully you all might hear of a social media "I've Read Every Book" challenge that kids will sing and post and then challenge their friends. It was a lot of fun being a part of helping share this "story!" 

Ministry Project Update

Cornerstone Baptist Church

At a Pastor's Breakfast in mid April, Michael met a pastor who's church had burned down. Feeling the prompting of Holy Spirit, we offered to produce a 5-6 min "After The Fire" testimony video of how God was working and using this tragic story. God is continuing to perform miracles, bring the community together, adding families to their congregation and working everything to "the good" of those at Cornerstone Baptist Church in Somerset.

We were honored to bless them with a tool for social media that powerfully "testifies" of God's goodness and grace in the midst of losing their church. It has now been posted on over a dozen different Facebook pages and thousands of people have watched the video so far in this area...praise God!!  


Our mission of helping others tell their stories of how God is moving in the midst of their trials and loss is the main passion and calling of our ministry.

Reach out to Embracing Your Story Ministries

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We'd love to hear from you. If you want to share your story or just want to stay updated on EYSM news, please fill out this form and we will add you to our email list.

Thanks for reaching out!

© 2023 Embracing Your Story Ministries

Embracing Your Story Ministries is organized and operated for charitable purposes in accordance with Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. 

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